Kyrgyz Migrants in Moscow: Results of a Quantitative Research on Integration Tracks
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Varshaver, E., Rocheva, A., Kochkin, E., Kuldina, E. (2014). Kyrgyz Migrants in Moscow: Results of a Quantitative Research on Integration Tracks. Preprint. [in Russian]


This text presents the results of the survey of 350 Kyrgyz migrants in Moscow conducted in Kyrgyz and Russian languages. The aim of the survey was to define the typical integration tracks of migrants. Integration is defined as a process of potential transformation in three main interconnected spheres, namely: (1) in social networks; (2) in values and norms; (3) in mundane practices. Accordingly, the central variables of the analysis are: (1) configuration of ego-networks of Kyrgyz migrants, (2) identification with the category “Kyrgyzs”, attitudes towards Kyrgyzs and other groups, (3) usage and awareness of the Kyrgyz organizations in Moscow. Other important variables included into analysis are migration regimes, transnationalism, internal migration experience and Russian language proficiency. The main results are the following. (1) There are four main integration tracks of Kyrgyz migrants which accord with the typical configurations of ego-networks: integration into (a) relatives and compatriots, (b) Russians, (c) internationals, (d) “Kyrgyz-town” (a vast social network of Kyrgyz migrants in Moscow that is not spatially fixed). (2) Integration tracks are associated with identification, attitudes towards Kyrgyzs and other groups but have no association with migration regimes, migration experience in Russia, and experience of usage of Kyrgyz organizations in Moscow. The hypothesis that will be tested on the forthcoming stage of the project, says that “Kyrgyztown” is formed and maintained not on the basis of the Kyrgyz organizations but in the places of dwelling and workplaces.

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